Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Mapping out "Beloved"

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*Disclaimer: The setting of the novel wasn't part of Cincinnati during the time period it was written in, but now it would fall within its boundaries.
**Also, my mapping of Sweet Home is based upon the town of Minnowville which Sethe states was where her midwife came from, and is near the plantation.

The red is Sethe's journey. She's born in either SC or LA, but I chose LA for this map. Then, she is transferred to the Sweet Home plantation. When she escapes Sweet Home, she gives birth to Denver on the bank of the Ohio River and makes her way to Cincinnati, OH to Baby Suggs' house.

The green is Paul D's journey. It begins at Sweet Home where he lives with his brothers. He has the longest journey then being taken to Virginia to a black prison camp, then escaping to Alfred, GA. From Alfred, he walks all the way down to Savannah, GA and crosses the Arkansas River. Next, he arrives in Wilmington, DE where he lives with the weaver woman. Then, he moves on to Ohio, and finally finds and stays at Sethe's house in Cincinnati, OH.

The purple represents Babt Suggs' journey. It begins in the territory of Caroline, which I chose to interpreted as South Carolina. She's then bought and taken to Sweet Home. After that, her freedom is bought by Halle and she's brought to live in a house in Cinicinnati, OH.

The orange is Stamp Paid's journey. Stamp's born in Mississippi, and leaves it via the Mississippi River to go to Memphis, TN. From there he walks to Cumberland, TN. And finally resides in Cincinnati, OH.

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